Define mutt
Define mutt

define mutt

define mutt

Mutt has a lot of predefined variables, but you can also set your own. Also note the use of the backquotes, as bash syntax $(.) does not work. Here the $ gets escaped so that it does not get substituted by Mutt before being passed to the shell. You can use variables and assign the result of shell commands to them. For example, you can get the content of another configuration file: Its syntax is very close to the Bourne Shell. You should also know some prerequisite for Mutt configuration. In case you decide to put the initialization file somewhere else, use $ mutt -F /path/to/.muttrc. Mutt will, by default, search six locations for its configuration file ~/.muttrc, ~/.mutt/muttrc, and $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mutt/muttrc, first with -MUTT_VERSION appended, then without. This section covers #IMAP, #POP3, #Maildir and #SMTP configuration.

define mutt

NeoMutt can be installed with the neomutt package or alternatively from the AUR at neomutt-git AUR for the development version. While there are many different packages of Mutt in the AUR, each of them providing another set of patches, NeoMutt aims to replace them in the future by implementing appropriate compile options. Lots of old Mutt patches have been brought up-to-date, tidied and documented. The NeoMutt project aims to bring together all the patches for Mutt. Notes: Is it a drop-in replacement for Mutt? Do all configurations on this page apply to it as well? (Discuss in Talk:Mutt#Neomutt) Or (if using POP3) getmail AUR, fetchmail or fdm and procmail AUR.


Optionally install external helper applications for an IMAP setup, such as isync, OfflineIMAP, or msmtp. Alternatively consider using the #NeoMutt package. 4.7 Not possible to open too long URLs with urlview.4.4 Error sending message, child exited 127 (Exec error.).4.3 I cannot change folder when using Mutt read-only (Mutt -R).4.2 The change-folder function always prompt for the same mailbox.3.19 Open attachments or view HTML email in the background.3.17 Ignore own e-mail addresses from group-reply.3.14 Default folder for saving attachments.3.13 Migrating mails from one computer to another.3.10 Avoiding slow index on large (IMAP) folders due to coloring.3.9 Request IMAP mail retrieval manually.3.6.6 Display the index above the pager view.3.6.3 Display recipient instead of sender in "Sent" folder view.3.5 Configuring editors to work with mutt.3.2.7 Display another email while composing.3.2.5 Compose and send from command line.

Define mutt